Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How Does Anti-aging Collagen Drink Works?

Anti-aging products are skin care products that decrease wrinkles, increase collagen, and promote facial rejuvenation.

So – what is collagen and will it really produce an anti aging effect on your skin if you drink it?

Most of us are aware of collagen and it’s role in acting as a support structure in the skin But you may not know that there are five main types of collagen – five of which are more important than the others and each of them working in different areas of the body.

Collagen I
is the collagen that supports the structure of your skin as well as tendons, capillaries, veins, bone and organs.

Collagen IV
 is also important to your skin as it supports the cell membrane.

There is quite a bit of research showing that collagen supplements can help the formation of collagen throughout the body but none that shows any specific anti aging benefit to the skin.

Collagen is produced by your body naturally in sufficient quantities to keep your skin toned and supple and guard against premature wrinkling. But you have to eat the right things and antioxidants are the key to boosting collagen production. Take a look at your diet for collagen friendly foods – eat lots of green leafy vegetables, highly colored fruits and vegetables like red peppers, beets and tomatoes and plenty of omega 3 through fish and avocados.

Whether a collagen drink is one of the anti aging products you should go for is still open to debate. If you want to do more than simply improve your diet then collagen supplements may be a better – and probably cheaper – approach than an anti aging drink.